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The Tirocchi Archives contain over 130 copies of bills to customers spanning the years 1919 to 1943. Considering that copies were not made of every bill sent, this number is helpful and representative. The early bills were handwritten, with the address of the shop, the client’s name, "To Anna & Laura Tirocchi," and a description of each item with price, totaled at bottom of the sheet.

By 1920s, they were typewritten, with carbon copies kept for the file. They do not appear to have been typed on pre-printed bills or letterhead because each bill carries the typed heading:



Some, however, only have the shop’s address and the date as in the handwritten bills. Customer bills in late 1930s and 1940s are on typed Di Renaissance letterhead.

With their descriptions of merchandise purchased, and with prices listed, the bills are quite a mine of information for the curators and the scholars working with them. One bill from 1926, after the shop had begun to carry readymade garments, was for "1 silver silk evening gown made to order & 1 black and white sport coat"–a mix of made-to-order and ready-made garments on same bill. Other details from some of the bills include:

  • Black velvet gown steamed and pressed/no charge.
  • Alteration to last year’s suit, furnishing 1-1/2 yards of material for same.
  • Alteration to Marine Blue Woolen Dress, chosen by [the husband of the client] furnishing slip, and fitting same.

In 1932, the bill for one of Anna’s best clients listed 9 garments "made up," 2 strings of beads, 1 slip, 8 alterations, 2 pocketbooks "my compliments," and no charge on two items of pressing and mending a garment; the total was $622.00. Analyzing each charge and comparing it over time, and with prices gleaned from other sources, gives the curators additional insight into the Tirocchis’ business.

A rare undated letter in the customer bill file reads:

Dear Sir: As Madame Tirocchi is leaving the eleventh of June for Paris she would like to have all of her accounts settled before she leaves. Your check on account would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you, we are Yours very truly, A. & L. Tirocchi.

Letters in the Customer Letters files often deal with matters of payment, so it seems the Tirocchis used the personal touch as well as typewritten bills to cajole their clients into payment.